[opensuse-arm] xorg install problems
Andreas Färber
2012-05-30 14:38:55 UTC
[...] Then I got the following missing requirements: Problem: nothing
provides xf86-input-vmmouse needed by
Seems this package has not been built (yet) on ARM. But nevertheless it makes
sense to change this Requires to a Recommends, since it's only needed by
VMWARE anyway.
Heh, last time I checked the vmmouse driver had x86 assembly code
inside. I'm fairly sure that's hard to compile on ARM :).
Oops. In that case also the build should be disabled. Could somebody please
verify that the build fails?
--> obs:://X11:XOrg/xf86-input-vmmouse
nothing provides intel-gpu-tools needed by
xorg-x11-driver-video-7.6_1-2.1.noarch I guess, my install will be
functional without these :) Once checked, what is the preferred way of
fixing it?
That one should also be changed to a Recommends.
Great! I'm surprised nobody saw this for PowerPC yet.
I guess ARM is meanwhile better tested than PPC. ;-)
Personally I've been doing more testing on ppc than on arm, but on arm
apparently the packages are published more frequently. Took about a
month to get new packages to the ppc repositories. ;-)

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