Richard (MQ)
2008-12-02 18:30:34 UTC
I'm pleased to report a considerable degree of success with 11.1 RC1 on
a 1999 Mac Powerbook G3 (Lombard), also on an iMac of the same era
(which behaves very similarly).
Installer ran smoothly and quickly, apart from:
1. suggesting formatting of the small hfs (boot?) partition, which will
fail with error -3023 setting partition label. Bug, but work-around is
not to agree to formatting, it seems to work OK thus far...
2. Boot loader ignores other bootable systems on HD. This is bug - reported in June
2008 against 11.0 RC1 and present in all subsequent builds. Again, an
easy work-around.
Post - installation, a few more problems:
3. Sound works, but volume controls / mixers / mute don't
4. Openoffice isn't available to install (don't know the bug ID but it's
well reported).
Not looking *too* bad for GM whenever that will be - still on 16th maybe...?
a 1999 Mac Powerbook G3 (Lombard), also on an iMac of the same era
(which behaves very similarly).
Installer ran smoothly and quickly, apart from:
1. suggesting formatting of the small hfs (boot?) partition, which will
fail with error -3023 setting partition label. Bug, but work-around is
not to agree to formatting, it seems to work OK thus far...
2. Boot loader ignores other bootable systems on HD. This is bug - reported in June
2008 against 11.0 RC1 and present in all subsequent builds. Again, an
easy work-around.
Post - installation, a few more problems:
3. Sound works, but volume controls / mixers / mute don't
4. Openoffice isn't available to install (don't know the bug ID but it's
well reported).
Not looking *too* bad for GM whenever that will be - still on 16th maybe...?
Richard (MQ)
Richard (MQ)