bad experience trying to use iBook G4 with Italy keyboard layout
Zhang Weiwu
2009-05-23 09:56:20 UTC
This looks unlike opensuse-specific issue but since I am a poor stupid
user I don't know where to file a bug (which project's fault for this
problem) and don't have further time (having a stacking list of todo
list that drives me crazy) to contribute on solving this issue, so I
just describe it here and hoping someone with knowledge working with
opensource projects pick up the problem and report it & follow up until
it is fixed. Here I only describe my experience.

In Gnome keyboard properties, if I leave model untouched (which is
"Macintosh"), select Italy as language, the keyboard layout would be
different than my Italian iBook G4's keyboard.

The keyboard layout of mine:

However the modifier keys seems to be correct, "Command" buttons mapped
to Alt_L (I tell this from xev).

If I choose "Apple Laptop" as keyboard model and Italy as language, the
keyboard layout would be the same as my Italian iBook G4's keyboard.

However the modifiers keys seems to be incorrect, "Command" buttons
mapped to Super_L where I expect it mapped to Alt_L.

So *I either gets incorrect keyboard layout mapping or gets incorrect
modifier keys mapping*.

The solution would be .Xmodmap. The first time I created .Xmodmap and
then login to gnome session, gnome asks me if I wish to load the
configuration, and ask me if it should ask me again next time. (the
dialog user interface is organized a bit different than usual case, the
list of chosen file to load is on the left and the list of available
files to load is on the right, opposite from conventional UI that the
chosen are on the right side.) I choose to load .Xmodmap and to not to
ask me again next time. I /assume/, this means the next time when I
login, .Xmodmap will be loaded without asking me. Consider the context
this is the assumption every other user makes. In fact when I login the
2nd time .Xmodmap will not be loaded and users are not given the
question if to load the file. I had to add to gnome session properties
to run "xmodmap .Xmodmap".

Now the problem is solved. I think this means there are two problems:

* Something is wrong with the pre-defined key mapping (otherwise it
should work "out of the box" or only asking user to choose the
language of the layout)
* Something is wrong with gnome's way of loading .Xmodmap (otherwise
there should be way to make it always loads .Xmodmap without
customized gnome-session)

You can ask me if I were not clear in my case. Thanks in advance if you
try to report & follow or kill these problems.
Zhang Weiwu
2009-05-24 14:48:36 UTC
Post by Zhang Weiwu
So *I either gets incorrect keyboard layout mapping or gets incorrect
modifier keys mapping*.
The solution would be .Xmodmap.
For those who have the same problem as I have and come to this thread
with search engine, here is my .Xmodmap

remove mod1 = Alt_L
add mod1 = Super_L
keycode 64 = ISO_Level3_Shift
keycode 108 = ISO_Level3_Shift
remove mod4 = Super_L
